Ponce De Leon searched for the Fountain of Youth to live longer and feel younger. Unfortunately, he never found it. But because so many of us want to live longer, healthier lives, over the years, scientists have researched and discovered ways to slow down the hands of time. There are many reasons we age; time goes by the same for all of us. But why is it that some people in their 70s look better and feel better than some in their 50s? The way we live our lives, how we diet, the stresses we encounter, and genetics will all play a role in how we age. There are factors we cannot control, like genetics. However, there are many ways you can improve the aging process and some things you can do to help fight the battle against Father Time.

Having low testosterone levels can accelerate aging.. If your testosterone levels are lower than the ideal range, you will lose muscle mass, have increased body fat, have less energy, feel a reduced sex drive, and feel overall run down and more. Increasing your testosterone levels to an ideal range can help you feel and look like the old you or better yet, like the you that you always wanted to look and feel.

Vitamins, coenzymes, antioxidants, amino acids, and supplements are just as important as optimized hormone levels in keeping our systems strong and healthy. Read more about these on our Wellness page.
Our bodies are incredibly complex, and we are designed to run on certain fuels and have systems to help regulate and get rid of harmful compounds. As we get older, those system efficiencies begin to slow down, and our performance becomes less than ideal. We know the quality of fuel you put in your car directly impacts its performance. Similarly, the quality of the fuel you give your body, and the products you take, can mean the difference between getting small improvements or seeing significant changes. We will work with you to help design the perfect protocol and give you the information you need to decide what’s best for you to live your healthiest life.

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is the key hormone in the aging process. As we get older, our bodies’ natural production of growth hormone declines. As we are growing, HGH levels are highest during puberty and begin to rapidly decline as we age. HGH is responsible for the rate at which cells repair, the speed at which muscles heal, the rate at which calories are burned, the ability for your skin to repair, and many more age-related issues.
Modern medicine has shown that taking HGH is not the safest way to address the age-related issues discussed above, but instead, using Growth Hormone-releasing peptides. Peptides are unique strands of amino acids designed to tell your body to perform a specific function. Growth Hormone-releasing peptides are designed to stimulate your pituitary gland to produce more of its own natural growth hormone, which is safer and much easier for your body to regulate.
Increase Your Growth Hormone Levels
Peptides can increase your Growth Hormone levels and improve some of the other age-related problems we encounter, like difficulty sleeping. Peptides not only increase your HGH levels but also allow you to fall into a deeper sleep and achieve REM sleep easier.
We have a few peptides we recommend for Anti-Aging purposes, and we will help you decide which peptide can best help you meet your health and wellness goals.

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