If you looked at the ads on TV or before watching a YouTube video, you would think that erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common problem affecting huge numbers of otherwise healthy middle-aged men. And while around 30 million men in the United States are said to be affected by ED, that number is misleading.
The risk of developing ED, or long-term erection dysfunction, increases with age, especially if something interferes with one of the nerves that control erections or the blood flow needed to maintain them. According to a study from 1994, the risk of men experiencing erectile dysfunction goes up from 5–15% from the ages of 40 to 70; however, it is still possible to develop ED in young men. Approximately 26% of men under the age of 40 were found to have ED, according to a published study.
If you have been experiencing erectile dysfunction, you might be thinking “why is this happening to me?”
Asking that question is the first step to exploring the possible answers and finding a way to get your erections back on track.
This article describes types of ED by identifying the physical (body) causes and the psychological (mental) ones, so you can narrow down your search for answers.
How do erections work?
Erections are the result of numerous factors involving the brain (psychosocial prompts), adequate testosterone levels, an active nervous system, and a healthy vascular system.
There are three kinds of erections. The first occurs during sleep and is known as a nocturnal erection. There is also the reflexive erection caused by physical stimulation. The third one is a psychogenic erection, caused by visual or mental images. All three depend on healthy bodily functions, such as hormones, muscles, blood vessels, the nervous system, and emotion regulation.
What Is the Difference between
Physical and Psychological Ed?
Erection dysfunction results when one or more links of the erection chain are broken and the erection fails.
Physical Causes
A physical ED occurs when something is wrong with the body. Physical ED can be caused by any problem that blocks or restricts blood flow to the penis.
Several physical health conditions can lead to erectile dysfunction. Among the most well-known causes are:
• A blockage or blockages in the blood vessels
• High cholesterol
• Elevated pressure
• Diabetes
• Obesity and/or metabolic syndrome
• Use or abuse of certain prescription medications
• Alcohol or drug abuse
ED can also be caused by some treatments for prostate cancer or prostate enlargement. An injury to the pelvis or spinal cord may also cause the condition.
Psychological Factors
When someone suffers from erectile dysfunction, it’s easy to assume that the cause is physical. However, psychological disorders can also contribute to the development of ED.
A psychological ED occurs when the brain fails to send the signals required to fuel the process. It can happen at any point during a sexual encounter. That’s why you can lose momentum even if things started off well.
Some well-known psychological causes include:
• Depression
Stress and low energy levels, two characteristics associated with depression, affect sex drive. When motivation and energy levels are low, it can be difficult to get sexually aroused and perform at your best.
• Anxiety
Your sexual ability can be affected by chronic anxiety as well as acute performance anxiety. Anxiety in general—and being anxious about performing—makes one less likely to be able to keep it up.
• Chronic Stress
Stressful events or periods will not just affect your mind, they will also affect your body. Hormones are released during stressful periods, making your body aware that a potentially dangerous situation is approaching.
•Relationship Difficulties
Erectile dysfunction is not uncommon among men going through a difficult relationship. If you can’t connect with your partner on an emotional level, chances are that you can’t connect with them sexually as well.
• Pornography
Men who regularly watch pornography may also suffer from erectile dysfunction. If men become addicted to pornography, they may develop unrealistic expectations for sex and their partners. This, in turn, can make it harder for them to get, or keep an erection when they are unable to see pornography.

How to overcome psychological ED
The best way to determine what is causing your ED is to visit your doctor. There are some simple tests they can do to determine if anything physical is going on. If everything is normal, you can begin improving your psychological state.
Addressing the issue is the first step to getting over psychological ED. The benefits of seeking help from a doctor are worth the effort if you want to avoid any problems that may adversely affect your sexual function in the long run. Whether it’s a relationship issue, anxiety, or stress, addressing the problem allows you to manage it. Persistence and patience are key; it may take a long time to achieve your goals.
Need Extra Support?
Sometimes improving your mental state isn’t enough, and you need some advice. That’s where T-Clinics USA comes in. Our clinics are all run by physicians who specialize in low testosterone (low T), peptide therapy, erectile dysfunction, and more.
If your “performance” in the bedroom isn’t where you want it to be, we have the solution. We offer several treatment plans that will boost your libido, improve your erections, and help you enjoy your sexual activities more.
You don’t have to live with performance anxiety overshadowing your life. T-Clinics USA has a lot of new and innovative treatments for ED available. Let the physicians at our clinics help you stop waiting and take the stress out of intimacy. You have nothing to lose—and everything to gain.
Feeling better, looking better, and performing better has never been so easy!
Set up a FREE consultation with one of our specialists today!