Human Chorionic Gonadotropin

How To Mix HCG

Step by step guide

Step 1:

Remove tops of both HCG and Sodium Chloride (Green top) vials (note these tops cannot be reattached once removed).

Step 2:

Clean surface of both vials with alcohol prep pad.

Step 3:

Using provided mixing syringe insert the needle into the center ring of the water vial.

Step 4:

Turn vial over and draw out the indicated amount of water that is instructed by your physician and also written on the box next to your name (Do not follow the insert provided by pharmacy).

Step 5:

Remove needle that is now full of the indicated amount of water and insert into center ring of the HCG vial (The remaining amount of water in vial will be discarded after this step).

Step 6:

Press the plunger of the syringe to inject the full contents of syringe into the vial of water (the HCG comes with a vacuum seal and may pull the water out of the syringe automatically).

Step 7:

Remove the syringe from the vial of the HCG and recap it to dispose of it.

Step 8:

Swirl the vial of HCG until all contents inside are fully dissolved (Do not shake the vial).

Step 9:

The HCG is now ready to be used and should be kept in the refrigerator in between uses.

Step 10:

We recommend you keep the mixed vial inside the original box to avoid it from breaking if the vial is dropped at any point.

Step 11:

It is optional to prefill your syringes and store them in a light proof container in the refrigerator for convenient use and to prevent any possible bottle breaks.

Injecting HCG Subcutaneously (Into Fat)

Step by step guide

Step 1:

Clean surface area of the mixed bottle of HCG vial.

Step 2:

Using small insulin syringe, remove both orange tops from the needle and plunger.

Step 3:

Insert the tip of the syringe into the center ring on the top of the HCG bottle.

Step 4:

Turn bottle over and draw back indicated amount of the HCG into the syringe.

Step 5:

Remove syringe from HCG bottle and recap or place down on a sterilized surface.

Step 6:

Clean the surface area of the skin where you want to inject the HCG (please reference injection location diagram for preferred areas).

Step 7:

With one hand gently pinch the fat to lift it away from the body and with the other hand inject the syringe with a quick motion until the needle is fully inserted into the area.

Step 8:

Push the plunger until all contents of the syringe have been injected, then count until 3 seconds before removing syringe.

Step 9:

Discard used syringe and place HCG back into the refrigerator.

Injecting HCG Intramuscular

Step by step guide

Step 1:

Clean surface area of the mixed bottle of HCG vial.

Step 2:

Using small insulin syringe, remove both orange tops from the needle and plunger.

Step 3:

Insert the tip of the syringe into the center ring on the top of the HCG bottle.

Step 4:

Turn bottle over and draw back indicated amount of the HCG into the syringe.

Step 5:

Remove syringe from HCG bottle and recap or place down on a sterilized surface.

Step 6:

Clean the surface area of the skin where you want to inject the HCG (please reference injection location diagram for preferred areas).

Step 7:

With a quick motion push the syringe into the muscle until the needle is fully inserted.

Step 8:

Push the plunger until all contents of the syringe have been injected, then count until 3 seconds before removing syringe.

Step 9:

Discard used syringe and place HCG back into the refrigerator.

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C. Maldonado

Great place! They really take the time to dial you in. They want you to approach your treatment the healthiest and safest way possible. Looking forward to the future with TClinics! -C.M.

Robert Conroy

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Phil Pirtle

For years I was feeling run down and my days and weeks just ran together and everything seemed gray. I had also reached a sticking point in fat loss in the gym. I got my blood work done and sure enough I had extremely low testosterone. After researching my options I went to TClinics and and their crew lived up to every positive review I read. I’ve been going here for over a year and couldn’t possibly be happier. I have so much more energy, have lost about a half a pound a week while getting stronger in the gym, and most importantly my days don’t just run together- life has zest once again and I am beyond thankful for having found TClinicsUSA. -Phil P.